Sunday, September 26, 2010

Anybody Here Seen My Old Friend Bobby?

When Clark was a senior at Tupelo High School, he went to Washington D.C. as a page for Congressman Jamie Whitten.  One of his duties was to make deliveries to various senators and congressmen.  On the occasion of his delivering legislative documents to Senator Robert Kennedy, he noticed that Sen. Kennedy's office was filled with beautiful young women.  Clark told me that every single assistant and receptionist was gorgeous. And it certainly made his trips to THAT office exceptional. Clark asked one of the beauties to get him a personalized signed picture of Senator Kennedy, and she obliged.  He has had that photograph of Bobby Kennedy hanging on his wall wherever he has lived.   When we moved here last week-end (has it been a week?) we began to pull out pictures that we knew we'd display here, and of course, Bobby made the cut.  But he was not with the photos he had been hanging with in Alabama.  He was not anywhere in any box.  We began joking about where the photo was, and we even left a space on the wall for it.  Every day we'd check with each other to see if Bobby had surfaced, and every day was the same.   I even opened the Christmas boxes just in case.  no Bobby
This weekend, our goal was to go through every single picture or photograph, categorize them, and box them back up with labels, so that we know where everything is when we move out of our "flat" we are leasing now.  We are purging, and "Goodwilling" and lending, and tossing, even though we thought we had done that on the other end. 
 This move has definitely had its moments of frustration. For instance, the piano would not fit up these stairs and we had to make a quick decision what to do with it, and our entertainment center was too big to go through the door, so we had to put it into storage. (The TV is now sitting on top of a trunk, college style.)  And when we realized we had lost the key to the secretary, Clark decided to go to several antique shops and old furniture stores borrowing keys rather than paying for a locksmith, leaving the contents of the secretary all over the living room.  And the defining  sad Memphis moment: I found out bluebirds do not live in the city of Memphis but in the rural areas only, which led to another mini-meltdown.  But good ole Clark has held strong during this move, and has not wanted to show any disappointment, because I have needed his shoulder to cry on.   BUT I have seen it on his face every time we unwrap a picture that is the same shape and size as Bobby, and it is NOT Bobby.  So we have just looked at each other and have gone on to the next box and laughed about it.  But today it was no longer funny.  It was really bothering him.  So to add a little humor, we started singing Dion's song.   And then Clark noticed to the couch.....was a box that we had overlooked-----for DAYS.  There were some items on top of the box so we had not seen it.  Clark grabbed the box, unwrapped a rectangular shape, and out came Bobby.    We made a big production of hanging him back among his friends, and Clark had the biggest grin on his face.  And then I started wondering, did he really admire Robert Kennedy that much, or did the photo remind him of all of those beautiful women in Senator Kennedy's office?  Either way, I'm OK with it because when I walk down the hall, I look at Bobby and smile.  

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