Saturday, February 18, 2012


I've decided I'm not suited for Facebook.  I had a honeymoon period when I first joined and I actually connected with some people I have enjoyed knowing about.  But basically I joined because I didn't want to be left out.  I thought it would be fun to reconnect with friends from the past and stay in contact with current friends, since I seem to be constantly moving around the South.  And  I wanted to know what people were talking about when they referred to FB.  But, alas, the love affair is over.  Even after I put everything in order on my timeline, it is not satisfying enough.  And even though I post something almost every day, it is beginning to be a drag.  So, I am considering giving it up.  Throwing in the FB towel.  Calling it quits.  And here's why:  I have friends I am not even friends with in real life.  I have friends I don't even know.   And then there  are the friends who will say anything and will post ridiculous and downright stupid/inappropriate remarks and  links, and I have to hide those posts, because I don't want to hurt their feelings by unfriending them.   But mostly,  I find that FB is somewhat addictive and I am scrolling down and looking at pictures or comments of friends of friends and I don't have a clue who they are.  It is a mindless waste of time.  Yet I do it.  And lots of times I'm afraid to say what I really think, especially politically.  Because people will jump you on FB.  Like my friend Beckett says, "I just don't need to invite stress into my life".  So I am going to give up FB for Lent.  It will be a trial period.  I will do something more productive in the time period I  would have been on FB.  And I will see if I can do it. For good.  So, I'm sorry if I forget your birthday, or don't comment on a wall post or don't tell you how adorable your kids or grandkids are.  Because I will not be back until after Easter.   Uh,  how long is that???????? Hmmm.... I wonder if there is a FaceBook Withdrawal Support Group online. You know,  a place where you could connect with other people... and they could comment on how they are doing...... and you could write back........ and they could post pictures.................