Friday, November 18, 2011

Free Fallin'

Leah and Paul  and their boys drove back to Austin yesterday after visiting us for about a week in Memphis.  The 12 hour drive must have been excruciating, and we were so grateful they took the time and trouble to visit us.   The boys are at the magical ages of 2 and 5 and everything is new and wonderful.  I enjoyed just watching them discovering things that we take for leaves.  I will admit leaves are a nuisance when they pile up on your steps so that you cannot even see where to put your feet, but I have resisted blowing  (I hate that noise) and bagging them and was so glad I had plenty on the ground when the boys were here.  Henry and I had fun identifying the types of leaves and I sent him home with a box full.  My mother spent several days with the little guys, and it was so sweet to see them interact with her.  Henry and I raked leaves for about 2 hours one afternoon with Mama looking on, and the above photo is the result.  I don't guess there is any way to go back and grab the delight of jumping in a big pile of freshly fallen leaves, but we were doing a pretty good job of enjoying ourselves just watching Leah and Paul's offspring. When the November days are clear and warm here in Memphis, it's as good as it gets.  I am grateful for the sweet gift of grandchildren.  Happy Thanksgiving!