Saturday, February 18, 2012


I've decided I'm not suited for Facebook.  I had a honeymoon period when I first joined and I actually connected with some people I have enjoyed knowing about.  But basically I joined because I didn't want to be left out.  I thought it would be fun to reconnect with friends from the past and stay in contact with current friends, since I seem to be constantly moving around the South.  And  I wanted to know what people were talking about when they referred to FB.  But, alas, the love affair is over.  Even after I put everything in order on my timeline, it is not satisfying enough.  And even though I post something almost every day, it is beginning to be a drag.  So, I am considering giving it up.  Throwing in the FB towel.  Calling it quits.  And here's why:  I have friends I am not even friends with in real life.  I have friends I don't even know.   And then there  are the friends who will say anything and will post ridiculous and downright stupid/inappropriate remarks and  links, and I have to hide those posts, because I don't want to hurt their feelings by unfriending them.   But mostly,  I find that FB is somewhat addictive and I am scrolling down and looking at pictures or comments of friends of friends and I don't have a clue who they are.  It is a mindless waste of time.  Yet I do it.  And lots of times I'm afraid to say what I really think, especially politically.  Because people will jump you on FB.  Like my friend Beckett says, "I just don't need to invite stress into my life".  So I am going to give up FB for Lent.  It will be a trial period.  I will do something more productive in the time period I  would have been on FB.  And I will see if I can do it. For good.  So, I'm sorry if I forget your birthday, or don't comment on a wall post or don't tell you how adorable your kids or grandkids are.  Because I will not be back until after Easter.   Uh,  how long is that???????? Hmmm.... I wonder if there is a FaceBook Withdrawal Support Group online. You know,  a place where you could connect with other people... and they could comment on how they are doing...... and you could write back........ and they could post pictures.................

1 comment:

Oreo said...

Though I agree with you that Facebook can be a time thief, what you may not be taking into account is the fact that your REAL friends like seeing your postings because it is comforting to know that you are alive and thriving in the world even though you are not nearby. Perhaps it would be easier to just shorten your friend list?