OK. I had to google it. I have been singing this song on new Year's Eve for 50 something years and didn't really know exactly what it meant. I also didn't know it was a poem written by Robert Burns. So I guess it's good to know what you are singing, especially if you've been drinking. Oh yeah, it means "old-long since" or "old long ago" just in case you aren't sure either. And when we sing it, I guess we are looking at the past and sort of toasting to it with the knowledge that we have hope in the future. Reflection is a good thing I guess, especially if you are grateful for what has happened in the past. I'm just thinking about this past year, and for me, I was blessed with another healthy granddaughter, two daughters and their families who are happy and healthy, and a husband who continues to be my best friend. I'm not saying everything was rosy in 2011, because there are always lows with the highs. And this past year sent some revelations to me that were life changing. But you move forward and learn to cope.
About 12 years ago, out of nowhere, I began to write songs. They were for family and close friends only, and were not particularly good. But I would sit down at the piano and out one would come. It was a way for me to express how I was feeling and better than going crazy, I guess. Most of them were spiritual, but one was for Clark. I haven't said much about him on this blog, but he is definitely worth a post, and then some. He is one of the good guys--and I don't believe anyone who has ever met him would tell you any different. I am seriously blessed and super grateful for Clark. Anyway, I thought since I was doing a little looking back today, I would share that one song with you. Don't worry--I'm not singing it, but just thought that it would be a cool way to end my blog for 2011. Have a Happy New Year everybody!
Love of Mine
You still remember our first time to meet
No one could have told you
My heart's yours to keep.
As we claimed life together,
A friendship was born.
Could it stand up to trials-
Life's thickets and thorns?
And I saw the flame flicker
In your twinkling eye.
Naive young emotions,
Might they live or die?
Oh the flame is elusive
And considered a threat
For it knows not of love
And of promises kept.
We've made mistakes
Had our miracles too.
God's grace was upon us
To help see us through.
So HIs path we will follow
Till we round our last bend
Much more pleasant a journey
Sharing life with my friend.
About 12 years ago, out of nowhere, I began to write songs. They were for family and close friends only, and were not particularly good. But I would sit down at the piano and out one would come. It was a way for me to express how I was feeling and better than going crazy, I guess. Most of them were spiritual, but one was for Clark. I haven't said much about him on this blog, but he is definitely worth a post, and then some. He is one of the good guys--and I don't believe anyone who has ever met him would tell you any different. I am seriously blessed and super grateful for Clark. Anyway, I thought since I was doing a little looking back today, I would share that one song with you. Don't worry--I'm not singing it, but just thought that it would be a cool way to end my blog for 2011. Have a Happy New Year everybody!
Love of Mine
You still remember our first time to meet
No one could have told you
My heart's yours to keep.
As we claimed life together,
A friendship was born.
Could it stand up to trials-
Life's thickets and thorns?
And I saw the flame flicker
In your twinkling eye.
Naive young emotions,
Might they live or die?
Oh the flame is elusive
And considered a threat
For it knows not of love
And of promises kept.
We've made mistakes
Had our miracles too.
God's grace was upon us
To help see us through.
So HIs path we will follow
Till we round our last bend
Much more pleasant a journey
Sharing life with my friend.
You are amazing, Corlea. Such a gifted writer, and now I discover, song writer as well. Maybe you need to move to Nashville. Sylvia
Thanks, Sylvia, but I don't think I'll pull up stakes anytime soon. :-)
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