Wednesday, November 10, 2010

An Accomplishment

Because she was preoccupied with a couple of mallards in the lake, I was able to click off a photo of my quirky dog.  

I decided to take along my camera on our daily walk today.  When I stopped to shoot something, I would ask Ellie to sit and before I could finish the picture, I could hear her dragging the leash in an attempt to sneak away.  Just because I had the camera out, the girl started freaking out!  This small lake is two blocks from our house, so I am very blessed to be able to enjoy this fall scenery on a daily basis.  I am sharing some of my shots below, but my biggest achievement of the day was to catch Ellie as she was watching some mallards in the water.  As soon as she heard me click the camera, she jumped down, but I did get this photo of her.  And if you have read my former post about Ellie and cameras, you know how excited I am to have a good picture of her.  Happy fall everybody! 


Gail said...

Beautiful Corlea!

Anonymous said...

Wow! What an accomplishment to actually get a photo of Ellie! And it's a beauty :)