Camera Shy
While I am packing, I am also thinking about pictures I would like to take of the house and the yard--you know--so I can remember how this place looks. And I would love to take some shots of Ellie, our dog, with her friends, Bea,the beagle, and Bentley, the black lab. But Ellie will have none of it. I don't know if it's because she was in a cage somewhere for two years before we got her, or if someone banged her over the head with a camera her first two years of life, or what, but she will not let me take her picture. I know you are thinking, well--she's a dog-just get out the camera and take her picture. But it's not that simple. I swear she knows when I am about to do it. I sneak the camera out and take off the lens cover in another room. I even turn on the flash manually and focus in the next room. Then when I go back into the room where she is---------gone. She has sneaked out of the room. every single time
I have tried it outside, hiding the camera on the steps or on the porch. I have even palmed my phone with the camera mode on and as soon as I try to click one off, she has her back turned and is headed in the opposite direction. It's so frustrating. Even our neighbors have tried. nothing..... so the only way to get her picture is to put a choke hold on her with your arms, pretending you are hugging her.
But I intend to outwit her; I just don't know how. It's like she can read my mind!(or my body language)
see what I mean? |
Ellie is a beautiful golden retriever who we got from a rescue center in Knoxville, Tennessee four years ago. She was in pretty bad shape when we got her, but we immediately enrolled her in Obedience Training and she came in second in her class and received a perfect attendance certificate. (She's very proud of her work ethic.) I am not kidding when I say that I had to literally drag her into the pet store where we took lessons, and she would hunker down and look pitiful until the last one or two sessions. When Clark and I would take her for a walk on the street, she would cower down and pull on the leash for us to take her back home. And she was scared to death of men, even Clark. But now, we have neighbors who come and get her every day to walk her with their dog. And she walks with this amazing gait with her head held high, actually a bit prissy. And she adores everybody, especially Clark. She is our baby, and I think she will miss our wonderful neighbors, especially Kris and Clayton and Kathy and Becca, who will probably miss her more than they'll miss us.
I KNOW Kris and Clayton will miss you more than Ellie. They are so sad to see you go. I am too-I want my four poster bed in Wetumpka!!
The 4-P will be in Memphis waiting for you to visit when you get home from Turkey. mean it! I'll keep W if Kris will let me, and you and R can have a night out !
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