I have turned the corner. I am in my "late" sixties and I am blessed to have my sweet family living close to me now. I hope I have learned something over the past years so that they will continue to want to be near me! I am trying to work on my insides because my outsides are showing my 67 years and it's not particularly pretty. The grandkids stare at my spots and my wrinkles. It is so weird to see pictures of myself, because I don't always recognize me with the gray hair, the wrinkles, and the weird body shape. Is that really me? To have some sort of balance, I have made a list of the things I would tell my 16 year old self if she would have listened, because while your outsides are declining, your insides can be improving and who doesn't like a nice head start?
Well, I have my work cut out for me for the next year. And just think-- what if 16 year old Corlea had read and worked on this list for the last half century?
So, 16 year old Corlea:
1. You are not always right. You may think you are, but thinking you are can sometimes lead to your being even more wrong.
2. Let it go. For God's sake. Let it go. See # 1.
3. Be quiet. Even if someone ( a close friend, a family member) asks your opinion, they more than likely just want validation.If you don't agree with them, be vanilla. If they really want your opinion, they will usually come back to you with a more serious tone.
4. Do things that bring you joy. Whatever that is! Because if you have joy, you will be able to spread it. Joy is contagious that way.
5. Don't skip out on God. It will be easy to do, especially if things are going right for you. You need to know there is more than just you out there! Trust me, there are bumps in the road, abysses even. Your Heavenly Father is going to be there for you in both times. If you have love, you can spread it. Love is contagious that way.
6. Listen. Listen to your friends, listen to good music, listen to your kids, listen to the outdoors. Listen to good stuff. You know the difference.
7. Opposites do not attract. Magnets do. You are not a magnet.
8. Don't take too long to forgive.
9. "As a man thinks, so he is". Dwell on good stuff. Good begets good. My 67 year old self has witnessed this.
10. Ask for help when you need it. That goes for physical, psychological, directional even. It is not a sign of weakness.
11. It's Ok if not everybody likes you. You don't have to be a pleaser. Just be kind.

What a difference 50 years makes.