The first memories of family vacations that I have are the ones at Bull Shoals, Arkansas. We went just about every summer until my parents divorced in the 60s. There was a Resort called Crow-Barnes that sat right on the lake, complete with a pool and horse back riding. I think it is probably not there anymore, but it was a bit of heaven for me in my elementary school years.
Toler Buchanan, father of one of my best buddies, taught me how to water ski on Norfork Lake, which is located adjacent to Bull Shoals. Carol and I double skied as early as the second grade and progressed to slaloms pretty soon after that. We would ski all day and would beg Mr. Buchanan to keep the boat out until the last light at dusk. That's when the water became smooth as glass. I can still remember riding in the back seat of the Buchanan's car smelling Mrs. Buchanan's chocolate chip cookies and anticipating the fun we were going to have as we traveled the 4 hours to Lake Norfork. I loved this area so much, I sent my two girls to Camp Soaring Hawk for years and years in Purdy, Missouri, not too far from where we are today. So I have wonderful memories of this area.
Clark and I are back in the Ozarks this weekend for a little trout fishing and hiking. But I elected not to fish today. We are at PJ's Lodge right on the White River, and Ellie and I are going to take a walk in just a bit. Hopefully I will get to take a few pics without freaking her out. It is such a pretty spot, and it is not too cold for a March in the mountains of Arkansas.
So Ellie and I just got back from our adventures and it was pretty uneventful until......the huge German Shepard came barreling out of nowhere to eat us both alive. I was frozen with fright but Ellie girl represented. She gave him a good ole growl that only a girl can give a guy when he's coming on too strong, and he turned and walked away. Awesome, Ellie.
We did see a guy in overalls way back on the gravel road looking very hillbillyish, but when he looked my way, I decided not to take his picture. He was headed out to his chicken yard with something ominous in his hands.
Here are the pictures I did snap:
Shouldn't that be Rio Blanco? |
First Sign of Spring. |
The bull did not like Ellie. |
Ellie did not like the bull. |
Rompin on the White River. |